
We welcome riders on electrically assisted bicycles on our club rides as long as the bike meets the following requirements (in line with guidance from British Cycling)

A. The bike must have pedals that can be used to propel it

B. The electric motor should not be able to propel the bike when it is travelling more than 15.5mph

C. The motor should have maximum power output of no more than 250 watts. It must also display one item from each of the following-

a. The power output or manufacturer of the motor

b. The battery’s voltage or maximum speed of the bike

It is for the individual to ascertain via the manufacturer/place of purchase whether their eBike meets these criteria.

We also ask the following of any eBikers joining our club rides –

Please let the Ride Leader know if you intend to join a ride on an eBike, as not all rides are suitable. We suggest you takes steps to ensure you have an independent means of getting home in the event of battery or other failure of your eBike. Please also respect the general etiquette of club group rides – that the group rides together at a pace which is comfortable to all members of the group. We advise all riders wishing to join a Club Ride to read our advice in advance. You will find it on the link below.