Bury Clarion with The Bullets will be holding their annual Awards ceremony at Dobbies Sports and Social Club on Friday 21st March starting at 7pm. If you need to get away early with children the award presentations should be over by 8.30pm. The whole event will conclude around 10pm
Tickets cost £15 each, children are free with a paying adult, please message Jackie Whelan if you are bringing children .
Please pay by bank transfer to: Bury Clarion Cycling Club, Sort code 40-15-21, AC 61284428
For the payment reference please add the text “PN” (for presentation night) and your name.
As well as the 2024 BAR award and the various time trial distance awards that members compete for, there will also be general club awards that you, club members, can make nominations for. The current categories are, Club Member of the Year, The Nuts award, Ride leader of the Year, Clubwoman OTY, Clubman OTY, Clumsiest rider OTY, please let us have your nominations by messenger to Jackie or Ken, see below. We are always open to new award suggestions!
We will be serving up traditional northern cycling food, various Carrs pasties including veggie along with peas, red cabbage, beetroot and gravy. If you are still peckish after the pasties, there will also be dessert. The bar will be open as well.
The customary raffle will be raising money towards the club Young Rider Bursary. To make this possible we urgently need raffle prizes ! If you can donate anything for this please let us know in advance by commenting on the Facebook Presentation post (link below) or by messenger to Jackie Whelan or Ken Woodward buryccsec@gmail.com, then don’t forget to bring them on the night!
After the awards, Joe Cadwallader from 360cycling will be with us to talk about 360’s mission “to provide the best performance cycle clothing, cycling products, advice, coaching and support for grass roots cycling and racing throughout the North West and beyond.”
Nigel Blandford will also be presenting the much anticipated part 2 of his cycling exploits in the Americas along with another guest presentation tbc.
Please come along and support your fellow club cyclists, young and old (er)!
See you there!